States – Manipulating State

The -> Operator

Methods, including constructors, can change the state of this with the -> operator:

LightSwitch() { // constructor
   ->Off; // Transition to Off state.

Methods can specify what states the object must be in before they can be invoked and what states the object will be in after they exit by annotating the this parameter. Constructors can specify what state they end in.

LightSwitch@Off() { // constructor always ends with the object in Off state

transaction turnOn(LightSwitch@Off >> On this) // turnOn() can only be called on objects that are in Off state.

transaction turnOff(LightSwitch@On >> Off this)

If a state has fields (like the On state in the definition of a LightSwitch with brightness), then we can transition to that state as follows:

transaction turnOn(LightSwitch@Off >> On this, int b) // turnOn() can only be called on objects that are in Off state.
 ->On (brightness = b); // initializes the brightness field to b

In addition, a transaction can begin or end in multiple possible states. This is specified with the | operator. An example is shown below:

transaction doSomething(LightSwitch@Off >> (On | Off) this)
   if (...) {
      -> On;
   else {
      -> Off;

Alternative field initialization

Rather than initializing fields at the moment of the transition (e.g., ->On (brightness = b)), you can initialize fields before transitioning:

transaction turnOn(LightSwitch@Off >> On this, int b) // turnOn() can only be called on objects that are in Off state.
    On::brightness = b; // prepare to initialize field in the next transition to On

Optional compiler checks

As before, the programmer can use [] statements to check state information at compile time. For example, [s@Off]; will cause a compiler error if s does not refer to an object in Off state.

Testing states with in

transaction test2(LightSwitch@Shared s) {
    if (s in On) { // runtime check to see whether the object referenced by s is in state On
        s.turnOff(); // OK due to runtime check

Within the scope of the block, the compiler requires that if there is an owner of the object referenced by s, then the owner’s state specification is never violated. If it is, then the program is terminated; it is up to the programmer to make sure the body of the if in block does not change the state inappropriately.

For now, tests like s in On cannot be used like general Boolean expressions. If you need to test more than one condition (with &&, etc.), you will need to nest if statements instead.