Ownership – Variables


Assignment (=) transfers ownership. That is, the variable on the left becomes the new owner, and the variable on the right loses ownership. For example:

Money m = ...; // m is Owned
Money newMoney = m; // m is Unowned, and newMoney is Owned
// Now m is of type Money@Unowned, not Money@Owned.


Field declarations MUST include ownership specifications.

This means that at the END of each transaction, the permission (ownership status) of the object the field references MUST match the annotation on the field when it was declared. For example:

contract Wallet {
  Money@Owned money; // Note that this annotation is on a field declaration!

  // exchange removes (and returns) the current contents of the Wallet,
  // replacing it with the input Money.
  transaction exchange(Money@Owned >> Unowned otherMoney) returns Money@Owned {
      Money temporaryMoney = money;
      money = otherMoney;
      return temporaryMoney;

NOTE: in the above example, money becomes Unowned in the exchange transaction when the ownership is transferred to temporaryMoney. However, by the end of the transaction, money gets ownership of otherMoney, so its permission at the end of the transaction still matches its permission where it was declared (as a field).

Local variables

Local variables (variables declared within transactions) are declared WITHOUT any ownership specified; instead, you can optionally write compiler ownership checks [] to specify their ownership. The compiler will output an error if the ownership does not match the check. For example:

transaction withdraw() returns Money@Owned {
    // body not shown

transaction test() {
    Money m = withdraw(); [m@Owned];
    spend(m); [m@Unowned];
    [m@Owned]; // COMPILE ERROR: m is Unowned here


Constructors are specified just like in other object-oriented languages, but can include a permission.

Fields of a contract must be initialized in the constructor. For example:

contract Wallet {
  Money@Owned money; // Note that this annotation is on a field declaration!

  //Constructor, takes in a Money parameter
  Wallet@Owned(Money@Owned >> Unowned initialMoney) {
      money = initialMoney;